About Us
About Us
Who we are
After Completing graduation in Civil Engineering in year 1984, Mr. R. Maheswara Naidu entered into the field of Civil Engineering contracts specializing in irrigation & water supply works. Subsequently other categories like roads, layout projects etc., were added.
Keeping in view the potential growth of infrastructure segment, a company was incorporated in the name of M/S RMN INFRASTUCTURES LIMITED (formerly known as M/S R.Maheswara Naidu, Engineers & Contractors) to handle rapidly growing construction Business.
The Company registered a whopping increase of turnover from INR.600 Millions to INR 2000 Millions in just five years, and it is poised for further growth with a projected turnover of INR.2500 millions in the year 2010.11.
The Company has obtained quality certification ISO 9001 – 2008 by maintaining standards. The growth of infrastructure development in a developing country like India is enormous and M/s RMN INFRASTRUCTURES LIMITED is well equipped to meet the challenges and become successful in this industry.
Our Board Of Director's...

Mr. R. Maheswara Naidu
Managing Director

Mrs. R. Sailaza

Mr. R. Sivaprasad

Mr.Ch. Muralidhar